Recommissioning: the SSA talks to Will Haydock

In this full-length interview, Rob talks to Dr Will Haydock about his experiences as...
Created On: 06 December 2021

In this full-length interview, Rob talks to Dr Will Haydock about his experiences as an addiction treatment commissioner. Will talks about the importance of reviewing service provision and the impact this can have on treatment delivery. He gives some valuable insights into the pressures on commissioners and the behind-the-scenes work involved in this role. This interview is essential listening for anyone involved in treatment provision in England.

“Part of the impetus behind of those kinds of [commissioning] cycles is often funding, and how far into the future….any given commissioning organisation is prepared to commit. And I think often that comes from a tendency for strategies or financial plans of organisations…to be 3 to 5 years. And so those feel like lengths of time that people making decisions about…finances feel they can commit to. But, I think, in reality there’s no particular reason for those time limits.”

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