PhD Symposium 2020

The SSA’s PhD Symposium is an annual event for addictions PhD students to share their work through presentations and networking.

The 2020 PhD Symposium was held online because of COVID-19. For many students, there were few opportunities in 2020 to discuss their PhD related experiences, findings and challenges with peers, making this year’s event important for many.

The Symposium was divided into several sessions:

  • Lived Experiences
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Addiction and Mental Health Comorbidities
  • Alcohol and Opioids
  • Interventions and treatment
  • Addiction and Cognition
  • Addiction and Policy
  • Mood and Affect
  • Treatment and Recovery
  • Smoking and Gambling

There was also a career advice panel at the end of the day.

The event was organised by Dr Inge Kersbergen, Dr Nathan Critchlow and Ms Maike Klein.

On this page you will find session summaries that include many of the presentations from the day. We also have interviews with some of the organisers and a podcast about the symposium by SSA funded PhD students.

Interviews, podcasts and other information

The SSA PhD Symposium: Inge Kersbergen

Dr Inge Kersbergen is an SSA funded fellow at the University of Sheffield and has been on the PhD symposium organising committee since 2019   SSA: Can you summarise what the PhD Symposium is? IK: “So, it’s a free, 1 day event where PhD students who do research in the field of addictions come together