PhD Addicted to Research: funding your PhD

The fifth episode of the PhD: Addicted to Research podcast is now available, with...
Created On: 11 November 2020

The fifth episode of the PhD: Addicted to Research podcast is now available, with all episodes available on Acast, iTunes and Spotify.

In this episode, Carol, Jo-Anne and Merve will cover everything you need to know about getting funding for your PhD. They cover the many (many) routes to finding and applying for funding, as well as giving advice on how to make an application, which organisations to approach for funding and how getting used to rejection. The team shares their own experiences along the way.

Merve interviews Professor Matt Hickman about his experiences of selecting and interviewing PhD funding applicants. He shares some great advice and tips on how to make sure your application is selected, and how to approach an interview for funding.

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