Mr Matthew Mayhew
After completing my BSc (Hons) in Psychology, I was awarded a 1 + 3 joint studentship from the Economic and Social Research and Medical Research Councils. My PhD project was titled, ‘Social and Problem Drinking: Relationships with Cognition, Motivation and Impulsivity’ (the minor corrections for which have recently been accepted), and was supervised by Professor Jane Powell (Goldsmiths College, University of London) and Dr David Ball (Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London). I studied for all these degrees at Goldsmiths College, University of London. My days are currently spent working as a Researcher in psychosis under Professor Til Wykes at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, whilst my nights principally involve writing-up my PhD studies as articles for journal publication. I am hoping to study for a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the coming years, before building a career in clinical research. Within the field of addiction, I am particularly interested in whether and to what extent cue-reactivity and impulsivity can be observed in non-dependent samples of drinkers, and the possible role of these phenomena in the progression to dependent drinking.