Abstract: Aims
The aim of this project was to evaluate and improve the quality of the aftercare services we provide for alcohol dependence. This presentation discusses the patient satisfaction of the Relapse Prevention Group.
All clients, who attended the programme from 1st of July 2013 to 29th May 2014, were recruited. The feedback form was designed in consultation with the multidisciplinary team and 8 standard questions were agreed. The responses were rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “poor” and 5 being “excellent”.
36 attended during this period. We received 33 responses, from which 5 were anonymous. On global rating, 60% rated the groups as ‘excellent’ and 21% as ‘very good’. 90% of the people found all the sessions very useful and about 18% of the responses liked the session on high risk situations. All the responses were extremely positive about the session co-ordinators and delivery skills. About 72% of the clients felt that the groups helped them in recovery. We noted that the clients expect to know more about ‘life style balance’ and plans are in place to incorporate this. We noted some practical issues affecting attendance such as travel, childcare etc.
We found that the whole process of evaluation had a positive impact on the service users as they felt ‘positively included’ in the process in improving the services.
1. Dr Christos Kouimtsidis, Consultant Psychiatrist,Windmill Community drug and Alcohol Team, Abraham Cowley Unit, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust, Chertsey, KT15 0QA. 2. Ms Avril Smith, Specialist Substance Misuse Worker,Windmill Community drug and Alcohol Team, Abraham Cowley Unit, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust, Chertsey, KT15 0QA. 3. Ms Kelly Jo-Charge,Specialist Substance Misuse Worker, Windmill Community drug and Alcohol Team, Abraham Cowley Unit, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust, Chertsey, KT15 0QA