The development and characteristics of the new naloxone nasal spray in Norway

First published: 29 March 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019


Professor Ola Dale is a trained anesthesiologist and clinical pharmacologist.  He has a PhD in pharmacology. His research spans from experimental pharmacology through studies in human volunteers, clinical trials and epidemiology. Focus has been on anesthetic drugs and opioids for both chronic and acute pain. He has had a special interest for nasal, systemic drug administration and is currently developing a nasal naloxone sprayer for pre-hospital and take-home use. He has published about 120 scientific papers. He has been on boards/councils/committees at institutional, national and international level, for instance in medical research ethics and technology development. He has been engaged in hospital development/patient logistics and clinical research infrastructures. Also, he has been engaged in medical publishing. He has had had four research sabbaticals abroad. He is a member of the The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters.

Presentation Summary

This presentation will touch on obstacles in academic drug development, variability in uptake of both nasal and intramuscular naloxone, pharmacokinetic characteristics (Tmax, Cmax biovailabilities) as well as presenting a  comparison of pharmacodynamics intranasal and intramuscular naloxone. Data on field dosing of naloxone will be shown, and an RCT to compare intramuscular with intranasal naloxone will be outlined.


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