Nasal naloxone spray approved in North America

First published: 29 March 2019 | Last updated: 09 October 2020

Head of Technical Operations, Adapt Pharma

Fintan Keegan serves as Head of Technical Operations for Adapt Pharma where he is responsible for all aspects of product development and supply. Fintan was part of the founding management team at Azur Pharma, where he also led technical operations. When Azur Pharma merged with Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc in 2012, Fintan continued as Executive Vice President of Technical Operations and a member of the Executive Committee. Fintan also served as Chief Executive Officer of Gentium SpA, a subsidiary of Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc, during that time.
Before he served with Azur, Fintan served as Head of Laboratories, and later as Vice President of Quality at Élan Corporation plc. Fintan has more than 30 years of experience in technical operations; such as manufacturing, quality, regulatory, development and related areas, within the pharmaceutical industry. Prior to Élan, he worked with Wyeth Medica Ireland Ltd, and previously worked with Merck Sharp and Dohme, National Medical Care, and the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology.


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