Dr Laura Kemmis
Cart before the horse? Psychological treatment of substance using individuals with PTSD
Dr Rebecca Monk
A multi-methodological approach to studying alcohol-related cognitions
Dr Christos Kouimtsidis
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy treatment models revisited; the role of negative expectancies
Christiane Pflanz-Sinclair
Implementation and Evaluation of the SBIRT model for substance misuse in the UAE
Dr Iain Smith
The horrors, the horrors: Presentations of alcoholism to physicians in mid-Victorian Edinburgh
Ms Marina Mendonca
Drinking in later life and well-being
Mary Pat Sullivan
Use as abuse: Findings from a feasibility study on alcohol-related elder abuse and neglect
Kathryn Woods-Townsend
Alcohol health literacy in school aged children – how to test what they know
John Kelly
Young adults, social networks, and recovery: An investigation of changes in close social ties and their role as a mediator of 12-step participation
Tom Parkman
The exploration of an ‘ex-service user’ led project for recovery from alcohol addiction
Mr Jack Leach
Review of alcoholic liver disease