COVID-19 useful links 18 May 2020
This page contains the latest COVID-19 related links as of 18 May 2020. To access the full catalogue of addiction related COVID-19 resources collected since late March 2020 click here
Compiled by Christine Goodair
Government COVID-19 guidance for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs or alcohol. Updated 15 May 2020
Scottish Drug Foundation updated guidance for contingency planning for services during COVID-19
New practice briefing ‘Family Drug and Alcohol Courts under Covid-19’
WHO statement: Tobacco use and COVID-19
Harm Reduction/ Treatment
‘Covid-19: Play it Safe’- information on how to stay safe from New Zealand Drug Foundation
EMCDDA – COVID-19 resources page for people who use drugs and drug service providers
The two faces of the tobacco industry during the COVID-19 pandemic – BMJ Tobacco Control blog
How People Find Pot: A Global Perspective: from Points: The Blog of the Alcohol & Drugs History Society
Drinking and wellbeing in lockdown – findings from survey of Club Soda members
‘Coronavirus: why the law on morphine should be loosened‘ Ian Hamilton writes for The Conversation
Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) ‘Covid-19 and Smoking: Act Now to Prevent a Health Calamity from Happening’
Tsunami of Need – Phoenix Chief Exec writes about the impact of COVID-19 on the people who rely on drug and alcohol treatment services.
BMJ research article: ‘YouTube as a source of information on COVID-19: a pandemic of misinformation?’
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Every effort is made to maintain the accuracy of the information on the SSA website. However, things change all the time. If you discover any out-of-date links or if you know of other links that could be included, please let us know.