COVID-19 useful links 11 June 2020

This page contains the latest COVID-19 related links as of 11 June 2020. To...
Created On: 05 June 2020

This page contains the latest COVID-19 related links as of 11 June 2020. To access the full catalogue of addiction related COVID-19 resources collected since late March 2020 click here 

Compiled by Christine Goodair


National Guidance

PHE: COVID-19: advice  for people who smoke or vape during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

PHE: COVID-19: guidance for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs or alcohol updated 29 May

The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)  guidance on delivering behavioural support and supply of NRT remotely, to help services adapt to the COVID-19 restrictions:

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction new resources – report  ‘Methamphetamine, the Respiratory System and COVID-19’ infographic ‘Methamphetamine, Cocaine and COVID-19 Health Risks’

Harm Reduction/Treatment

ASH: Stop smoking services open to smokers thanks to rapid response of local councils

NHS Scotland advice : Coronavirus (COVID-19) and drug use

NIAAA the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: list of useful resources on Alcohol and Covid-19 for the public, clinicians, and researchers

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction new resources – report  ‘Methamphetamine, the Respiratory System and COVID-19’ infographic ‘Methamphetamine, Cocaine and COVID-19 Health Risks’


Australian National University report ‘Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 period’ shows Australians are drinking alcohol more frequently during the COVID-19 pandemic than before.

Irish Journal Psychological Medicine: Addiction Psychiatry and COVID-19 – Impact on patients and service provision

The Lancet Psychiatry: innovative strategies to support physical distancing among individuals with active addiction

The Lancet Respiratory Medicine: Tobacco smoking and COVID-19 infection

Fare Australia: family violence and alcohol during COVID-19

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction: Boredom and Stress Drives Increased Alcohol Consumption during COVID-19: NANOS Poll Summary Report

The Global Drug Survey (GDS) Special Edition  report on Covid-19 highlights preliminary findings halfway through data collection. A complete report based on all data collected until June 20, 2020 follows in July | GDS, UK

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics report: ‘Covid So Far, Lockdown and the Lost Children’ reports rise in calls from children whose parents have started to drink again in lockdown

News and Opinion

Collective Voice Blog: Two months into lockdown, what have we learned so far?

Drinking Studies Network’s blog by Phil Cain explores how approaches to COVID-19 put our approach to alcohol under the microscope

The Conversation UK: nicotine therapy for coronavirus: the evidence is weak and contradictory

Alcohol Change UK: changing your drinking in lockdown: be kind to yourself

University of Bedfordshire: addiction researcher has warned that lockdown could reverse UK’s ten year drop in alcohol consumption

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Every effort is made to maintain the accuracy of the information on the SSA website. However, things change all the time. If you discover any out-of-date links or if you know of other links that could be included, please let us know.

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