Social Worker
Jessica is currently a newly qualified social worker working in a child protection team for North Yorkshire County Council. Prior to this Jessica worked with children and young people with severe behavioural problems at a Barnardo’s residential special needs school. Jessica graduated from the University of York in 2006 with a BA (Hons) in History/Politics and again in 2010 with a Masters in Social Work with distinction. Jessica was fortunate to complete her final social work placement at the Leeds Addiction Unit under Dr. Gillian Tober. Through this placement Jessica gained an interest for, and passion in, understanding the complexities of substance misuse and addiction. Jessica’s particularly interest is professional perceptions of parents who misuse drugs and alcohol and whether or not it is deemed to be compatible with ‘good enough parenting’. Jessica is interested in researching the ways in which substance misuse is taught on professional training courses, specifically social work, and how this can be transferred into anti-oppressive practice in child centred environments.