Systematic Reviewer
Research Area
I am a Doctor of Philosophy in Primary Health Care student at the University of Oxford. My doctoral research focuses on investigating socioeconomic inequalities in smoking cessation behaviours and outcomes to address health inequalities caused by smoking-related disease.
I am supervised by tobacco control and evidence synthesis experts, A/Prof Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Dr Nicola Lindson, and am currently supported by the SSA and previously, The Rotary Foundation.
I have worked as a medical researcher for over eight years, beginning my career in orthopaedics before joining the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford in 2018. Since, I have worked as a systematic reviewer firstly for the Health Behaviours team and now with the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine on research aiming to improve health through behaviour change. My research interests are focussed on evidence synthesis and on interventions for smoking cessation to overcome tobacco addiction.
I hold a Bachelor of Health Sciences from the University of Adelaide in Australia. I majored in Pharmacology and Psychology, and I graduated with the Dean’s Certificate of Merit. I completed a Master of Clinical Sciences at the University of Adelaide in 2018. My research demonstrated the increased risk of complication and poorer outcomes in patients with obesity and diabetes undergoing upper-limb arthroplasty, and received a Dean’s Commendation for Master of Research Thesis Excellence.