Research Fellow in Health Services Research
I have a degree in Psychology, an MSc in Health Services Research and have recently been awarded my PhD in General Practice which looked at implementing change at the community pharmacy/GP interface. I have worked as a research fellow in health services research for the University of Aberdeen for over 10 years in the areas of mental health, respiratory medicine and general practice. I have co-ordinated numerous multi-centre RCTs evaluating interventions to improve outcomes for a variety of different patient groups. My longest and current appointment has been in the Centre of Academic Primary Care where I led a large multi-centre RCT evaluating a pharmacy-led intervention for patients with CHD, an RCT to improve psychoactive prescribing in care homes and a pharmacy alcohol brief intervention study. My most recent work has been part of a programme of drugs misuse research led by Dr Catriona Matheson. My areas of interest are managing change in the NHS, extending the role of pharmacists and drugs misuse. I am particularly interested in the respiratory health of drug misusers, familial incidence of drugs misuse, alcohol use in illicit drug users and psychological health of drug misusers during treatment. I am currently working with Dr Matheson on a CSO funded project looking at public opinions of drug misusers, on a number of project proposals in the area of drugs misuse and I hope to secure funding for a post doctoral research fellowship in drugs misuse.