Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Dr Janine Robinson is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. She helped establish the adult autism diagnostic clinic in Cambridge in 1999 and now leads this service. Janine has a history in health education with the focus of developing an autism training framework for healthcare staff across Scotland; she supported national capacity building through developing and commissioning autism training resources. She has significant experience in conducting medico-legal assessments where autism is suspected as a mitigating or contributing factor.
In 2016, Janine completed a one-year research Fellowship with the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) East of England (now the National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration East of England) and presented her findings at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) conference in Canada in 2019. She has trained as a Principal Investigator to lead more autism research projects at CPFT. Her research includes collaborative work with clinical colleagues in the screening of ASD in the population as well as translating and validating screening measures. She has recently contributed four chapters to an encyclopaedia of autism spectrum conditions.
Janine joined NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Learning Disability and Autism team as National Specialty Adviser for Autism in April 2020. She will provide expertise during the Project in the following areas: