Dr Iain Smith
I have been a NHS Consultant in addiction psychiatry for 24 years. I am involved with training on alcohol-related topics for both medical students and postgraduate doctors and other health professionals. I chair the education committee of the Medical Council on Alcohol and serve on the MCA Executive Committee.
One longstanding research interest has been in the area of alcohol-related brain damage. I helped to highlight the apparent increase in alcohol-related brain damage in Scotland in the last three decades and supported the development of services in Glasgow to deal with ARBD.
I serve on the executive of Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP).
I have close links with the Centre for History of Medicine at the University of Glasgow. I was awarded a Wellcome Clinician Short-Term Fellowship to study the history of Scottish Inebriate Reformatories. I am expanding this into a historical M.D. on the treatment of alcoholism in Scotland.
The horrors, the horrors: Presentations of alcoholism to physicians in mid-Victorian Edinburgh
The horrors, the horrors: Presentations of alcoholism to physicians in mid-Victorian Edinburgh