Zoe Campbell
Zoe is a second year PhD Researcher at Ulster University. Her research focuses on understanding alcohol dependence as defined by researchers, people with lived experiences of alcohol use disorder or dependence and people with lived experience of other types of dependence.
She completed an undergraduate in psychology in-2017, then completed an MSc in Applied Psychology and Mental Health Therapies in 2018, both of these were completed at Ulster University. Zoe has formerly worked in drug and alcohol services, as a project worker, floating support officer and an outreach worker. Working with those who experienced alcohol or drug dependence inspired her PhD Research. In particular it was evident that individuals’ perceptions of their dependence and their experience contributed to their ability to change or engage with treatment and support services. Current interests are; harm reduction, drug and alcohol dependency, service user experience(s).
Subtypes of alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder: a systematic review
Campbell, Z., Campbell, C., Harris, J., Toner, P., McCaughey, L. & Shorter, GW.
Background: To conduct a comprehensive systematic review of alcohol dependence (AD) or alcohol use disorder (AUD) typologies as defined throughout the literature.
Methods: Multiple databases (PsychInfo, Embase, PsycARTICLES, SciELO MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar) were searched for papers between the dates 1990 to February 2020. Included papers profiled the adult population, aimed to describe AD or AUD typologies (not in response to treatment), in populations which are entirely diagnosed as having either ICD/DSM AD or AUD, were published in English, and were peer reviewed. Quality was assessed via MMAT and the review is reported using PRISMA. (PROSPERO registration: CRD42020163067)
Results: A total of 7,337 papers were identified, 6,108 papers were screened following de-duplication, 203 full texts were assessed for eligibility, and 36 papers have been included to date. (citing papers are being checked for eligibility). Patterns have been characterised by demographic criteria, age of onset or duration factors, mental health, alcohol related consequences, childhood factors, biological measures, abuse or dependence symptomatology, treatment experience, psychological and personality factors, other substance use, biological measures, medical history, and alcohol consumption. Patterns were derived by researcher choice, t-tests/ANOVAs, or methods such as latent class analysis or cluster analysis.
Conclusion: There is considerable diversity in patterns of AD or AUD and little overlap of patterns across papers. A shared understanding of the nature of AD and AUD helps facilitate conversations for treatment and support, and to help those with AD or AUD understand the nature of their condition.
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