All SSA conference 2021 videos now available
The full set of 2021 SSA Annual Conference videos is now available on Vimeo (links below). These are now free to view for people who did not attend the conference. We will continue to pick out the highlights from these sessions (and from the Q&A sessions) on our News and Features page for those of you who don’t have the time to re-live a full 2-day conference in one sitting.
We hope you enjoy these excellent sessions and look forward to seeing you at the next SSA Annual Conference to be held in Bristol on 3 and 4 November.
- Society Lecture with John Kelly
- Plenary Session with Carol Black
- Responding to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids
- The challenge of benzodiazepine use in the context of escalating drug deaths
- Alcohol and suicidal behaviour: clinical features, trends and interventions
- Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) 1 – What influences the development of substance use harms?
- Addiction training opportunities in Europe: a joint SSA/EUFAS symposium
- SSA-funded researchers: Showcasing work by the winner of the SSA’s Fred Yates prize and others funded by SSA schemes
- Showcasing the work and findings of the part-SSA-funded, Youth in Iceland Model project
- In recognition of Professor Malcolm Lader
- Global perspectives on Covid-19 and substance misuse: A report from the ICARA webinar series
- Autism, addictive behaviour and substance use disorders – A priority setting partnership
Further details about the SSA’s Annual Conference and PhD Symposium can be found in the conference archive.
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