Alcohol Awareness Week reading list
The SSA’s reading lists provide a starting point for people interested in a specific area. The following features, articles and research papers all come under the umbrella of ‘Alcohol and Relationships’, which is the theme for Alcohol Awareness Week 2021.
- The role of the family in alcohol use disorder recovery for adults. By Barbara S. McCrady and colleague. Published in Alcohol Research (2021).
- Parental monitoring, individual dispositions, and alcohol use disorder: a longitudinal study with young Swiss men. By Jimena Sobrino-Piazza and colleagues. Published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021).
- Understanding the progression from early alcohol use experimentation to alcohol use disorder: testing vulnerability by experience interactions using a two-part latent growth curve model. By Matthew D. Scalco and colleagues. Published in Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (2021).
- Children with problem drinking parents in Sweden: prevalence and risk of adverse consequences in a national cohort born in 2001. By Mats Ramstedt and colleagues. Published in the Drug and Alcohol Review (2021).
- The impact of alcohol misuse on fathering in Northern Uganda: an ethnographic study of fathers. By Christopher J. Mehus and colleagues. Published in Transcultural Psychiatry (2020).
- The influence of parental alcoholism on parent–adolescent relationships from adolescence into emerging adulthood: a qualitative inquiry. By Sarah E. Bickelhaupt and colleagues. Published in Emerging Adulthood (2019).
- “I feel it in my heart when my parents fight”: experiences of 7–9-year-old children of alcoholics. By Agneta Tinnfält and colleagues. Published in Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (2018).
- Romantic relationships and alcohol use: a long-term, developmental perspective. By Amy J. Rauer and colleagues. Published in Development and Psychopathology (2016).
- “That’s cool, you’re a musician and you drink”: exploring entertainers’ accounts of their unique workplace relationship with alcohol. By Alasdair J.M. Forsyth and colleagues. Published in the International Journal of Drug Policy (2016).
- European longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents’ alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use. By Avalon de Bruijn and colleagues. Published in Addiction (2016).
- Alcohol segment-specific associations between the quality of the parent–child relationship and adolescent alcohol use. By Jolanda J.P. Mathijssen and colleagues. Published in BMC Public Health (2014).
- Perceptions of partners’ problematic alcohol use affect relationship outcomes beyond partner self-reported drinking: alcohol use in committed romantic relationships. By L.M. Rodriguez and colleagues. Published in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2013).
- “Let’s get drunk and have sex”: the complex relationship of alcohol, gender, and sexual victimization. By Amanda D. Cowley. Published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2013).
- Developmental alcohol-specific parenting profiles in adolescence and their relationships with adolescents’ alcohol use. By Ina M. Koning and colleagues. Published in Empirical Research (2012).
- Alcohol may not cause partner violence but it seems to make it worse: a cross national comparison of the relationship between alcohol and severity of partner violence. By Kathryn Graham and colleagues. Published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2010).
- Family structure, parent-child relationships, and alcohol and other drug use among teenagers in France and the United Kingdom. By Sylvie Ledoux and colleagues. Published in Alcohol and Alcoholism (2002).
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