Addiction Lives podcast: Jacek Moskalewicz

Addiction Lives is a print and online collaboration between the journal Addiction and the Society...
Created On: 15 February 2022

Addiction Lives is a print and online collaboration between the journal Addiction and the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) which is edited by Professor Virginia Berridge with support from Jean O’Reilly. The series focuses on the views and personal experiences of people who have made particular contributions to the evolution of ideas in the journal’s field of interest.

In this interview Jacek Moskalewicz talks about his time working in alcohol and policy settings from the 1970s onward. He discusses the impact of Poland’s political history on alcohol and drug use and policy. He also talks about his experiences working as a consultant for the World Health Organisation and in developing international collaborations over the past 50 years.

“So the new law, alcohol law which had a very peculiar name, because it was named ‘On bringing up in sobriety and preventing alcoholism’. So it had quite peaceful connotation and it was focused on prevention, rather than fighting or whatever. It was adopted in the late 1982, which was almost one year after martial law was imposed.

Jacek was interview by Virginia Berridge and Betsy Thom on 10 May 20221. The full transcript of the interview is available here and an annotated bibliography of his work is available here.

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