Addiction Audio: vaping and smoking cessation with Máirtín McDermott and Leonie Brose

In this episode of Addiction Audio, Rob Calder talks to Dr Máirtín McDermott and...
Created On: 29 April 2021

In this episode of Addiction Audio, Rob Calder talks to Dr Máirtín McDermott and Dr Leonie Brose about their research into the effectiveness of e-cigarettes for quitting smoking. They discuss different types of vaping products, the importance of measuring frequency of vaping and about their use of longitudinal data to explore this issue.

The original article can be found here: McDermott M.S, East K.A, Brose L.S, McNeill A,  Partos T.R. The effectiveness of using e‐cigarettes for quitting smoking compared to other cessation methods among adults in the United Kingdom. Addiction 2021.


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