Do you know a researcher who has made a ‘significant and specific contribution’ to the addictions field?

The SSA is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Fred Yates prize...
Created On: 02 February 2023

The SSA is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Fred Yates prize. Learn more about the prize, including its aims, previous winners, and most importantly, how to nominate someone.

The Fred Yates prize honours Fred Yates, who “made a lasting impression on the field and an important contribution to the welfare of those with alcohol and drug problems”. He is remembered for his work on the evaluation of alcohol treatment services and the various applications of computing in the addictions field, as well as for his “sharp intelligence”, “genuine humanity and warmth of personality”.

The Fred Yates prize is aimed at people in the early stages of their research career, who are actively publishing, and have demonstrated enthusiasm and potential future leadership, for example through developing a novel programme of work, contributing to new or improved clinical practice, or contributing to an enhanced understanding of addiction.

“My career thus far has been: if I’ve really enjoyed doing something and found it interesting, I’ve kept going.”

Fred Yates prize winner Dr Claire Garnett, speaking to the SSA’s Rob Calder on episode 13 of the Addictions Edited podcast

Since the inaugural prize in 2011, 14 people have been awarded the Fred Yates prize. This includes Dr Claire Garnett from University College London, who won it in 2022 for:

  • carving out a unique area of work through the development of the Drink Less smartphone app
  • achieving three grants as principal investigator
  • achieving numerous first author publications
  • demonstrating evidence of high impact with over 1,200 citations
  • her work with Public Health England (PHE) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
  • regular participation in media work

If you know a researcher who has made a significant and specific contribution to the work of the addictions field, please consider nominating them for the Fred Yates prize.

Complete the online application form by 24:00 (GMT) on 28 February 2023, and see further information about eligibility criteria, the process for assessing nominations, the timeline for announcing the award, and what the Fred Yates prize includes.

by Natalie Davies

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